The Secret to Living a Happy Life!
For as long as I can remember, people have always asked: me “Why are you so happy?” “You just can’t not smile, can you?” “What’s your secrete?” My response to these questions has changed throughout the years but one thing has remained the same, I can’t help but smile while answering these questions! Even now, as I write this, my uncontrollable waves of pure bliss are causing the edges of my mouth to tilt as my eyebrows soften leading to nothing short of a joy-induced smile.
In the midst of my joy, I have spent the first quarter of my life searching for answers to the above questions that people ask me on a daily basis. How could I train the world to smile in a way that is not premeditated but simply a way of being? What could I tell someone that could change his or her life forever? What one word or phrase could motivate someone enough to take the necessary steps toward bettering their life in a way that will lead them to pure, raw joy? You know the kind of joy that I am talking about: The joy that you feel when you laugh so hard that it hurts in the pit of your stomach, the joy of holding your newborn baby for the very first time! What if it was possible to live your life in this state of being? What if it was possible to bridge the gaps?
I am here to tell you that this is possible! I am on a journey to live this way in every moment. It is my purpose to live, breath, and drink joy into every fiber of my being, in every cell of my body and to share how with the world. This starts with you, yes you. I invite you to join me in finding your very own abundantly fulfilled life and to live with limitless power.
This bridging of the gap, leads to a fulfilled life of balance where you can experience the joys of living an abundant life. Abundant health, abundant wealth, abundant relationships, abundant careers, abundant adventure, a life where you are fulfilled in every way, shape and form, in every moment and every breath you are light. It is yours for the taking!
Let me be clear, there is no magic potion. I am not going to give you my recipe for success. I am going to give you something with far more value. I am going to show you how to create your own recipe for your own success!
Often times people like you and I get so caught up in jumping on the bandwagon of someone else’s passion that we forget to live our own. For instance, if everyone that went to a Tony Robbins seminar became just like Tony Robbins, then Tony Robins would no longer be. Do you see what I am saying? This morning, I listened to one of Chris Zaino’s Facebook live videos, and it inspired me. This does not necessarily mean that I should drop everything and follow his workout regiment, wear tight t-shirts, open a chiropractic clinic, and be an Italian male. I can guarantee you that that was not Chris’s motivation in creating that video. He didn’t wake up this morning and think gzzze, I’d like to influence a lot of people to become EXACTLY like me. It is more likely than not that his motivation just like Tony’s and just like mine is to inspire and motivate you to become EXACTLY like you, the true you. (We’ll revisit this later.) When we are inspired by the passion of a powerful leader, the key is not to necessarily share their passion, but instead use that inspiration as fuel to find your own passion. Now, there are exceptions to every rule: it possible to find your purpose through someone else’s passion like my friend Kate Murray, who was inspired to become a chiropractor from great chiropractic leaders.
Here’s the thing, experiencing “inspiration” by going to a seminar, listening to a podcast, reading, spending time in nature, working out or whatever you do that gets you going, will eventually fade, unless you can find a way to move from feeling inspired to the ultimate level of living inspired.
My mission is to take you from feeling inspired to living inspired, hence the “inspired” inspired practice solutions. I am committed to providing you with everything that you need to get from “feeling” inspired to living inspired so that you too can experience the true bliss of limitless joy and abundance with every breath that you take!
When you read the above blog, who did you think of?
By sharing this journey with the names on your list you are contributing making a difference in the world. You may even be the one that changes their life forever!
For more information on Hailey’s transformational services please visit the Services page. For more information on MyChiroPractice, please visit their website by clicking here.
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